Yesterday, a close and old friend sent me an e-mail from Paris asking about me and my family. At the beginning I got puzzled of what to write to her. The situation back home is horrible. There in no accurate words to describe it. Some people call it massacre, annihilation, war crimes and I feel that none of these words describe what is going on.
Israel succeeded to dehumanize Palestinians to the extent that the world is now accepting their slaughter with no comment. They are nothing but mere terrorists who aim to destroy the Western civilization. More than that Israel succeeded to terrorize the world governments and to large extent their civic institutions with its two main issues the Holocaust and anti-Semitism. Anyone who dares to open his or her mouth to protest against Israelis polices in Occupied Palestine is usually hit by one of those accusations.
We called my husband’s sister, Majdiya, aged 62 years who lives in beach camp. She is usually a strong woman. However, today being a grandmother and mother with too many mouths to feed and too many youth to fear to loose and too little food remained and no security or safety of what so ever to protect her family, she kept silent for a while. Then she asked me:
“What does the Israeli government want from us”? What do they mean by killing our kids, shelling our schools, mosques, universities, water wells, fields, homes, orphanage? Isn’t it enough what they took in 1948 and killed in 1956 and reoccupied in 67? Wasn’t it enough the horror of first intifada and second intifada, the blockade of Gaza, the shortage of fuel, food, water and electricity? Gaza is already hell. What do they want from us more than the hell and the prison that they put us in. In previous wars when there was shelling we used to escape for our life. But now we cannot. We are trapped in a big prison. Getting out of home means putting ourselves a target to planes, drones, or artillery shells.
More silence then the same question was repeated by Majdiya. What do they want from us? Nothing left to give them. They took everything: land, orchids, and places that used to be called home. They destroyed our future, freedom and dignity. Only the air that remains for us to breathe and if I am sure if they succeed to find away to deprive us from it they will do.There were no answers from my side. And my answer in fact doesn’t change the situation and after all my call is to make sure that she and family are OK and not to make statements.
I am sick and I am so frustrated and after every call with family and friends I cry. Then I charge my batteries and call the next family and try to find words and justifications and ask for patience and more patience. I try to give hope while in my heart i know there is no hope. I try to find words but there are no words that can explain the loss from our side and the crimes of the other side. The number of death toll keeps going up. And with every victim there is a story. And behind every story there is a crime. And behind every crime there is a free criminal that threatens not only Palestinians but also the world peace and more importantly the entire humanity.
Israel succeeded to dehumanize Palestinians to the extent that the world is now accepting their slaughter with no comment. They are nothing but mere terrorists who aim to destroy the Western civilization. More than that Israel succeeded to terrorize the world governments and to large extent their civic institutions with its two main issues the Holocaust and anti-Semitism. Anyone who dares to open his or her mouth to protest against Israelis polices in Occupied Palestine is usually hit by one of those accusations.
We called my husband’s sister, Majdiya, aged 62 years who lives in beach camp. She is usually a strong woman. However, today being a grandmother and mother with too many mouths to feed and too many youth to fear to loose and too little food remained and no security or safety of what so ever to protect her family, she kept silent for a while. Then she asked me:
“What does the Israeli government want from us”? What do they mean by killing our kids, shelling our schools, mosques, universities, water wells, fields, homes, orphanage? Isn’t it enough what they took in 1948 and killed in 1956 and reoccupied in 67? Wasn’t it enough the horror of first intifada and second intifada, the blockade of Gaza, the shortage of fuel, food, water and electricity? Gaza is already hell. What do they want from us more than the hell and the prison that they put us in. In previous wars when there was shelling we used to escape for our life. But now we cannot. We are trapped in a big prison. Getting out of home means putting ourselves a target to planes, drones, or artillery shells.
More silence then the same question was repeated by Majdiya. What do they want from us? Nothing left to give them. They took everything: land, orchids, and places that used to be called home. They destroyed our future, freedom and dignity. Only the air that remains for us to breathe and if I am sure if they succeed to find away to deprive us from it they will do.There were no answers from my side. And my answer in fact doesn’t change the situation and after all my call is to make sure that she and family are OK and not to make statements.
I am sick and I am so frustrated and after every call with family and friends I cry. Then I charge my batteries and call the next family and try to find words and justifications and ask for patience and more patience. I try to give hope while in my heart i know there is no hope. I try to find words but there are no words that can explain the loss from our side and the crimes of the other side. The number of death toll keeps going up. And with every victim there is a story. And behind every story there is a crime. And behind every crime there is a free criminal that threatens not only Palestinians but also the world peace and more importantly the entire humanity.
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